Status Updates:
It’s a long update this week. Try to pace yourself. If I get long winded get a coffee and rest. I’ve been drawing on paper lately. I found some old sketchbooks that still had unfinished pages and i decided to fill them. It’s been great. I don’t think much about what is going on the page and if I pick a wrong color I may be forced to just roll with it. At best I am a pro-am cartoonist. Every few years i submit something to a publisher and have had some success but my day job pays the bills so turning my brain off to draw just works for me.
Wrong Way
You hate to stop but you're lost and in the wrong neighborhood. I kind of love the color on this one. I have recently don’t a lot of “Aliens won’t visit” comics. They feel more and more spot on.
Last Page Hug
It had been a while since I finished off a sketchbook completely. I did find others in my collection that need filling.
Coffee Humor
Maybe December will be all crabby animals. It won’t be but maybe it could have been. Coffee humor almost always works because even if you don’t drink coffee you are likely just trying to stay sharp and not hurt a co-worker.
It's okay to trust but look both ways before you step out onto the road. Don’t be that guy who just grabs the first thing and runs with it. Or at least don’t do it every time.
Sometimes being popular will work against you. Being recognized in the wrong group will work against you.
Anyone else get weirded out when noting is "on fire". Somedays I'm just hyperaware that it's a good day. It's not that I'm looking for a problem. It's that I sometimes feel like I need to earn a good day.
Have a Plan
Always be prepared. It's still not illegal to to have a plan.
Thanks for reading this far - Political Cartoons
Do you read them? I have some and I want to do more (as therapy sometimes). I may start a separate SubStack for just that so that the wacky comics and the slightly more serious comics don’t mix.
What's Next:
I have all of next weeks comics in the queue. I like most of them.
What I'm Reading/Doing:
I started reading “The Frugal Wizard's Handbook” yesterday. Technically this is my second attempt. I just can’t fall into a digital book like a can with a book on paper.