Status Updates:
Happy Halloween! For my treat, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been subscribing and reading. The Substack platform feels like the place I want to spend my allotment of time. You all have help make that happen.
I don’t wish to go on a long rant about other platforms and other tools. I’ll trim it down to this, I plan to be here more often than elsewhere in the next year. Substack wasn’t even on my radar one year ago and today I find that it’s the second place I look after my own personal webpage(s).
You don’t likely come here for a lot of my wordy wandering through the junkpile of my brain pan though so lets get on with the stuff.
A Gift From The Reaper
Not all visits from the reaper are bad. I have more of a Discworld version of the reaper in my head. Their more of a force of nature like the wind or the ocean. The ocean doesn’t hate you or have a grudge against you. It’s just to big to be any more gentle than it is. If you catch it during calm seas it’s a gift.
Checking the candy
Honestly, I had an entirely different joke planned when I started this and ended up here. Not my favorite comic of the week but I like it.
They want your skulls... they need your skulls!
Who doesn’t want to draw devil girls with skulls? Little fact about me. I went to catholic schools. Drawing girls when your art teacher is a nun just feels weird. Thinking back I bet Sister Mary would have been fine with it as long as I kept it “classy” but the other kids sure let me know when they thought I was going to hell. I have since buried the knife with those classmates but I still struggle with that little kid in my head.
Rocks are awesome
Everyone knows that Charlie Brown was the best kid on the block.
Yes I do still randomly pick up cool rocks and take them home. I even have a “pet rock” on my desk. I also know next to nothing about rocks.
Thanks for reading this far
Today you get two bonus hand drawn (locally sourced, gluten free) comics.
What I'm Reading/Doing:
I had another Pluggers Comic idea published. Submitting Plugger ideas may be my new favorite break time hobby. Go check it out.